Friday, February 22, 2019

Music Marketing Project

As of a few days ago I completed my Music Marketing Campaign. It was lots of fun to be honest. The most entertaining part was filming the music video. My group and I went to multiple locations and filmed a bunch of shots. My group and I were required to study the music industry and provide a marketing campaign along with a form of distribution for a new artist that we want to promote to the public. That being said, Ashton Stone was born and he was a new up and coming artist just trying to make it in the word. I’m gonna tell you guys a bit more on what exactly we did to prepare for the project.

We started by researching our the genre we wanted Ashton to be a part of and music groups that define themselves as being a part of that genre. We found two perfect case studies that we felt could represent what we want Ashton to be like. Ariana Grande was the first case study. Although she is a female, we wanted Ashton to act similarly. Not feminine, but to be heavily involved on social media like she is, and to be able to tour the world and have fans everywhere. Ariana Grande has rose to fame quickly and is making headlines every other day it seems like on popular article.

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